Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
12:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 14.7° C | 67.6% | 0.0mm | 1018hPa | NNW | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
15:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 14.8° C | 65.5% | 0.0mm | 1018hPa | NNW | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
18:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 14.8° C | 64.6% | 0.0mm | 1018hPa | N | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
21:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 14.9° C | 63.8% | 0.0mm | 1019hPa | N | Light breeze | 2 Bf |
Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
00:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 15° C | 62.6% | 0.0mm | 1020hPa | NNE | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
03:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 11° C | 62.6% | 0.0mm | 1019hPa | NNE | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
06:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 11° C | 63.1% | 0.0mm | 1019hPa | ENE | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
09:00 | Low clouds/partly cloudy and high clouds / cloudy | 14.9° C | 64.3% | 0.0mm | 1019hPa | ENE | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
12:00 | Low clouds/partly cloudy and high clouds / cloudy | 15.1° C | 64.0% | 0.0mm | 1020hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
15:00 | Low clouds/partly cloudy and high clouds / cloudy | 15° C | 66.6% | 0.0mm | 1019hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
18:00 | Low clouds / cloudy | 15.2° C | 67.5% | 0.0mm | 1020hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
21:00 | Low clouds/partly cloudy and high clouds / cloudy | 15.6° C | 66.3% | 0.0mm | 1020hPa | E | Light breeze | 2 Bf |
Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
00:00 | Low clouds / cloudy | 16.1° C | 71.6% | 0.0mm | 1020hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
03:00 | Moderated rain | 12.3° C | 75.8% | 0.6mm | 1020hPa | ESE | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
06:00 | Moderated rain | 16.1° C | 78.3% | 1.5mm | 1019hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
09:00 | Moderated rain | 15.5° C | 87.7% | 5.6mm | 1019hPa | ESE | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
12:00 | Moderated rain | 16.2° C | 81.7% | 9.5mm | 1020hPa | SE | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
15:00 | Scattered thunderstorms | 16.4° C | 84.3% | 12.4mm | 1019hPa | SE | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
18:00 | Occasional heavy showers | 16.7° C | 82.3% | 3.1mm | 1019hPa | SSE | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
21:00 | Free-Convective areas developing | 16.7° C | 80.2% | 4.6mm | 1020hPa | SSE | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf |
Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
00:00 | Scattered thunderstorms | 16.8° C | 78.8% | 1.2mm | 1020hPa | SSE | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
03:00 | Fine spells with chance of rain | 12.4° C | 77.6% | 2.4mm | 1019hPa | WNW | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
06:00 | Moderated rain | 16.1° C | 79.3% | 0.6mm | 1018hPa | NW | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
09:00 | Moderated rain | 16.4° C | 76.3% | 0.8mm | 1018hPa | SSE | Light breeze | 2 Bf | |
12:00 | Scattered thunderstorms | 16.1° C | 80.7% | 1.6mm | 1019hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
15:00 | Scattered thunderstorms | 16.4° C | 78.9% | 2.1mm | 1017hPa | E | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
18:00 | Occasional heavy showers | 16.8° C | 79.3% | 0.2mm | 1016hPa | SSE | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
21:00 | Occasional showers | 16.4° C | 76.2% | 0.6mm | 1017hPa | SSW | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf |
Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
00:00 | Occasional showers | 16.6° C | 74.2% | 0.3mm | 1016hPa | S | Gentle breeze | 3 Bf | |
03:00 | Cloudy areas developing | 12.4° C | 71.0% | 1.7mm | 1015hPa | SSW | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
06:00 | Fine spells with chance of rain | 12.2° C | 69.0% | 0.6mm | 1014hPa | SSW | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
09:00 | Fine spells with chance of rain | 16.3° C | 71.3% | 0.9mm | 1014hPa | SSW | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
12:00 | Fine spells with chance of rain | 16.6° C | 72.3% | 0.9mm | 1015hPa | SSW | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
15:00 | Fine spells with chance of rain | 16.9° C | 75.3% | 1.3mm | 1013hPa | SSW | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
18:00 | Low clouds / cloudy | 17° C | 73.5% | 0.0mm | 1012hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
21:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 17.1° C | 74.6% | 0.0mm | 1013hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf |
Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
00:00 | Low clouds / partly cloudy | 16.8° C | 76.6% | 0.0mm | 1013hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
03:00 | Low clouds / mostly cloudy | 17.3° C | 79.0% | 0.0mm | 1013hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
06:00 | Low clouds/partly cloudy and high clouds / cloudy | 13.3° C | 82.0% | 0.0mm | 1013hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
09:00 | Drizzle | 17.4° C | 86.0% | 0.1mm | 1014hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
12:00 | Low clouds / cloudy | 17.7° C | 84.1% | 0.0mm | 1015hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
15:00 | Moderated rain | 17.8° C | 81.2% | 0.6mm | 1015hPa | SSW | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
18:00 | Drizzle | 17.9° C | 80.1% | 0.1mm | 1016hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
21:00 | Drizzle | 17.8° C | 82.4% | 0.2mm | 1016hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf |
Time | 7 day weather forecast | Description | Temperature | Humidity | Precipitation | Pressure | Wind direction | Description | Wind |
00:00 | Drizzle | 17.5° C | 84.3% | 0.5mm | 1017hPa | S | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
03:00 | Drizzle | 13.8° C | 80.6% | 0.6mm | 1017hPa | S | Moderate breeze | 4 Bf | |
06:00 | Low clouds / cloudy | 14° C | 76.2% | 0.0mm | 1017hPa | S | Strong breeze | 6 Bf | |
09:00 | Low clouds / cloudy | 17.9° C | 77.7% | 0.0mm | 1017hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
12:00 | High clouds / cloudy | 18.3° C | 72.1% | 0.0mm | 1018hPa | S | Strong breeze | 6 Bf | |
15:00 | Sunny | 18.4° C | 70.8% | 0.0mm | 1017hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
18:00 | Sunny | 18.2° C | 73.4% | 0.0mm | 1018hPa | S | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf | |
21:00 | High clouds / partly cloudy | 18.1° C | 74.7% | 0.0mm | 1019hPa | SSW | Fresh breeze | 5 Bf |